A single message
When a user selects a message, MailMan formats
the message as HTML output and displays it to the user.
If the message contains image attachments then they will
be displayed in-line as in the above example. If the message
contains attachments of other types then the user will be
presented with links that can be used to download the attachment
files. Text files will also be displayed in-line.
MailMan is capable of handling HTML
messages and MSHTML messages as well as ordinary text messages.
MailMan's MIME handling and message rendering code has evolved
over the course of several years now and is very robust
and stable. If you manage to find a message that MailMan
doesn't properly display, send it to us at test@endymion.com
and we will tweak MailMan to handle it. We have been doing
this for years, and if you license MailMan then you will
benefit from the countless hours that we have already invested
in MailMan's message handling capabilities.
Like any other mail client, MailMan
allows the user to reply and forward a message as well as
simply viewing it. Any attachments that a message contains
will automatically be forwarded with the message. MailMan
will also allow the user to view the full original headers
from the message, for more advanced users that like to have
access to message headers for tracking down spam and the