Check the top line of the script file

Make sure that the first line of the Mailman CGI file refers to the correct location of your Perl interpreter. If you have been trying to run MailMan after each step like we have suggested and it hasn't worked, then this is probably the reason why it isn't working. You can find out where your Perl interpreter is located on most Unix systems by typing "which perl" on the command line. To check the top line really quickly, just type "more mailman.cgi". Look at the very first line, the one that starts with "#!". If the path that we have specified isn't the same as the path that you see when you type "which perl", then open the "mailman.cgi" script file in your favorite text editor and correct that line. We set the line to "/usr/bin/perl", which is pretty common these days, but "/usr/local/bin/perl" is also pretty common in some Unix distributions.

Now go and try accessing "mailman.cgi" through your web server.

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Carpe Noctem