Quick MailMan Customization

If you are looking for the quickest possible way to get an installation of MailMan customized, then you may be interested in our special quick customization templates. We provide several distributions that contain replacement template files for MailMan that you can use as a base to start your customization from. The quick customization template sets are specifically designed to be easy for you to customize. Here's how you can have your MailMan installation customized in just a few minutes, without reading any complicated documentation or knowing anything about how MailMan's guts work:


Step 1: Pick a template set to use as a base
Take a look at our listing of quick customization template sets and pick one that you would like to use as a basis for your installation. These template sets are not as flashy as the default MailMan theme because they use very few images. That's a big advantage to you though, because images take a lot of time to customize.

Once you have picked a template set, just grab the distribution file that corresponds with that template set and unpack it, and then copy all of the files from that package into your MailMan directory, overwriting the template files that you already have. Log in to MailMan just to make sure that it's still working.


Step 2: Replace the logo
Your first step is to replace the logo image with your own logo. You don't have to do this, and we're thrilled if you decide to use our logo, but if you're going to do that then you might as well use the prettier default template set with the integrated water ripple theme. Just replace the "i_logo.gif" file with any image of your choosing. Be sure to call the file "i_something.gif" or "i_something.jpg" or else MailMan won't be able to rewrite its URL when it runs.

The default size of the logo image is 127 by 127 pixels, but the quick customization templates are designed to gracefully adjust if you use a larger or smaller image. You might have to adjust the width of the menu frame of your frameset in the "t_f_frameset.htm" template if you change the size substantially.

The simplest possible way to do this particular step, if you're looking for ways to save time, is to grab a copy of your company's logo, resize that logo to a 127 by 127 pixel square, and then save the image as "i_logo.gif" in the MailMan directory. Just overwrite our logo file. That way you don't have to modify any templates at all, you don't have to change any size specifications, you don't have to modify any image "src" tags, nothing. MailMan will just pick up your image and run with it.


Step 3: Mess with the style sheet
The quick customization templates are designed around a single style sheet file so that you can modify the appearance of the entire application by modifying that one file and nothing else. Just crack open the "s_style.css" file in your favorite text editor or web authoring tool and have fun. If you don't know anything about CSS then don't worry, it isn't that hard. The color specifications in the CSS file are in the same format that you're used to using with HTML, and the font specifications are similar. If you need any help with anything then just let us know and we'll be happy to help out.


That's it, you're done, and that last step was even optional. Even people with no web development experience can customize a MailMan installation in minutes.

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