Then check your permissions
Make sure that your copy of the Mailman CGI script
is executable. If you used the "-p"
option with "tar" and with
"cp" as we suggested, then
your script file should already be executable. To check, switch
to the directory in your web server's file tree where MailMan
will live and type "ls -alt mailman.cgi". Look at the
left side of the listing that you see. If it says "-rwxr-xr-x",
then you are fine. You're specifically looking for the "x"'s
in the above, that means that the execute bit is set for that
file, which allows your web server to execute the script when
you try to run it. Make sure that your file isn't marked "-rwxrwxrwx"
or anything like that, the "w"'s
in the above indicate that any user in the system can write to
the script file, which would be a security no-no. If you need
to alter the permissions on the script file, then type "chmod
755 mailman.cgi" and then check the permissions again,
they should be fixed. If you have any problems with permissions
at all then please contact
us and we will be happy to help.
Just to be sure, make sure that your "t_*.htm"
and "i_*.gif" files are marked
so that the web server process can read them. You probably want
the permissions on those to look like "-rw-r--r--".
Sometimes you can read your own files, but you inadvertently have
your files set so that your web server user can't access them.
Remember that on most systems, the web server will actually run
as "nobody" or as some user
specifically designated for the web server such as "www"
or "httpd". Use the same
permission rules for the HTML and image files that you should
be following when you publish ordinary web content. "chmod
644 i_*.gif t_*.htm" should do the trick.
Now go and try accessing "mailman.cgi"
through your web server. If it doesn't work then there are still
a few things that commonly need to be configured, so don't freak
out if it doesn't work right away, and don't be intimidated by
cryptic and useless error messages from your web server.